With fewer than 600 people having been to space in the entirety of its nearly 60-year history, many thought it wouldn’t be possible that the day would come when civilians would journey into space. That day has actually arrived. With companies vying to take the lead to propel us into space, the competition is fierce. This is proving that there’s room for you to capitalize on this burgeoning industry. First, however, you’ll want to prepare for your own journey.
What to Expect

In your mind, you might be thinking of a space mission in which you’ll not only explore space but also find yourself in the shoes of an astronaut. In reality, though, you’re not likely to be using any tools or even performing any perfunctory duties. Remember, you’re a space tourist, not an actual NASA astronaut. Not to downplay your role, but those NASA astronauts and many scientists have worked to provide this exciting experience for you and your fellow civilian space travelers.
Prepare Yourself Mentally

When we star gaze and imagine the exploration of the vast realm of space it’s easy to fantasize about the possibilities the largely unexplored galaxy has to offer. What we may fail to see though is just how immense and isolating space actually is. Regardless of the means by which you venture into space one thing that every operator will be subject to is the idea space is an isolating place for which you’ll need to prepare mentally. Your smartphone won’t likely allow you to keep abreast of what your friends are doing and you can’t run out for a coffee. You’ll also be in close quarters with your fellow travelers. Preparing yourself mentally for this experience will vastly improve the journey.
Prepare Yourself Physically

Nearly anyone can go into space providing they can buy a ticket to travel, but they’ll have to be able to survive the two gravitational environments through which you’ll pass on any space trip. There is the microgravity of the void as well as the g-force pushing on your chest as you go there and as you return. While nearly anyone can go into space, it doesn’t mean everyone should.
It seems obvious that the better shape you’re in the better your chances for success in space will be, it also makes sense that you can’t be too sensitive to movement and motion sickness in order to go. In addition to getting into shape, you should consider booking a flight on an airline that specializes in parabolic maneuvers which will help you determine if you can survive what they affectionately call the vomit comet. Popular Mechanics published an article last year called How Will SpaceX Train Its Wealthy Moon Tourists? that goes into more depth about preparation for space travel.
Capital Opportunities

You now know what to expect and that you’ll want to take steps to prepare yourself both mentally and physically,. The entrepreneur in you is ready to explore ways to capitalize on the space travel industry. It’s time to begin brainstorming and also playing to your strengths as an entrepreneur. You’ll soon feel that light bulb over your head illuminate as you find the perfect idea. You might try merchandise that will celebrate the journey or accessories to make space travel more convenient to even the most seasoned traveler. It may even be detailed guides on how to prepare for a space outing. This industry is new enough that it’s primed to allow for the entrepreneur to capitalize on it – especially if that entrepreneur has ventured into space themselves.
Once you’re prepared for your journey and have first-hand knowledge of space travel, you’ll be poised to capitalize on the industry. So, tell us, are you ready for your space journey? For more about the advent of space travel, read about Four Companies Redefining Space Travel: What to Expect Next.